It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been busy. First of all, I'm pregnant. (I spent a few weeks trying to come up with a cheesy/cute/significant way to communicate that on the blog and I failed.) In any case, this pregnancy has left me much more exhausted than the last one, likely because I spend my days chasing a crazed toddler instead of sitting behind a desk reviewing contract provisions.
I've also been busy moving my hundreds of thousands of dollars from my main bank to other banks. Seriously, though, folks, if you are one of these people with more than $100,000.00 in your bank like the out-of-luck sucker I saw interviewed on the steps of Indymac last night, you might want to consider (1) diversifying the location of your bank holdings and (2) using some of that wad of cash to get some professional help.
Onto more relevant items. Sometimes dogs can be a pain, I'll admit it. Sully periodically stinks, he tracks dirt in the house, he leaves wads of dog hair in unfortunate places, and he has horrendous breath. All that said, he really is Carly's best friend. If you have any doubt, check out these recent shots...
(coloring together)
(chasing balls)
(watching "Annie" on the long roadtrip home from Massachusetts)
5 weeks ago