It's Cousin Season for Carly this month. First up, cousin Jack's visit with Aunt Michelle (pronounced "ahhhnt Michelle" as opposed to "ahhhn-teee Bridget" and "ant Julie"...Carly has a tough road ahead keeping up). We were honored to have the little guy in town during his all-important 1st birthday week, during which he exhibited some impressive moves. I don't think it's a coincidence that the little guy has a thing for baseballs, bats, and basketballs. Here are highlights:
Getting Reacquainted
Does this guy look like me or what?!
Checking out the ducks.
Jack & his bean talk.
Bathtime ritual.
A visit to the Zoo.
Final hugs/pushes & a tearful goodbye (COME BACK SOON JACK & MICHELLE AND PLEASE BRING DAN NEXT TIME!)