So, off to more updates about the kids.
Carly recently has developed, how can I say this tactfully, a bit of an Attitude.
What was it that turned my sweet, helpful, smart little baby girl into an independent, push-my-buttons little diva? Dare I say it was the abrupt 48 hour (Memorial Day) potty training? Or is it just the fact that her baby brother is starting to be more of a threat with his move-it-or-lose it strategy toward her toys? I'm not sure, but you know you are in trouble when you pick up your daughter from her second day at day-camp (glorified preschool) and the teacher says to you laughing, "Carly mentioned that she didn't "cooperate" this morning for you. She explained to us exactly what that word means too. Ooooooooooooooooooh, I have a daughter like her. She's grown now, but....oh, I understand (wink wink)."
I'm moving to on to Teddy now, but with over 44 hours of roadtrips on our schedule this summer, I'm sure I'll have more on this topic later.
Teddy continues to be a mover & a shaker. He was up on all 4's rocking in April (4.5 mos) and took off crawling in May. He is now 6 mos and is pulling to a stand in his crib and climbing up on the dishwasher and any other supremely dangerous spot he can maneuver. Of course, he just locks his knees and does the Nestle plunge backward, so he's destined to have his mom's SAT scores.
What else? He is eating, but he isn't nearly as interested in food as Carly was when she first started. Maybe it's because I sort of burnt the first batch of red peppers and eggplant that I tried to steam & puree and, yet, I still attempted to get him to try it. I am already guessing that Teddy will be eating quite a bit more jarred food that his older sister did.
Oh hell, at 6 mos and almost-3, these two kids have it pretty damn good. I love this time of year when a good dose of "getting outta dodge" resets my parental insanity gage. We look forward to making memories with all the cousins this summer!