Things are busy here, so my entries have been short and sparse (not unlike my eyelashes), but this story is a must-share. If you've been following this blog at all, you know that Carly's best friend is froggy. It's a little half blanket/half stuffed frog that has been her constant companion since she was about 6 months old. It's ridiculous how much she loves this guy.
Last fall, seemingly out of nowhere, froggy acquired a name. All of a sudden, she started calling him "Ga" or sometimes even "Ga Ga". It was an odd name, slightly babyish for a 2 year old who speaks well and who previously had named her favorite dolls "Greg" and "Sara", but we just went with it. We couldn't figure out if she picked it up from a new tv show (whooops, now you know, my child watches tv) or a book or from a friend. Maybe she just made it up in her imaginative little head? In any case, she made it clear that we should all call froggy "Ga" and we followed in suit.
Fast forward through fall, through Teddy's arrival and the Christmas season, all the way to preschool starting up again in January. On the way home from school last week in the car, I asked Carly if she enjoyed her lunch. She said, "yes mommy, I ate all my graham crackers and my cottage cheese." She was lying and actually only drank her juice, but that's beside the point. I said, "was it yummy?" and she said, "yes, but first we said our saying."
"What saying Carly?"
"The one that Father Dan says: God is great, God is good, thank you for this yummy food."
"That's nice Carly. Now, who is God?" I asked this question because, as a Catholic who hasn't been to church in awhile, I've been looking for an opportunity to bring up the topic.**
From the backseat, I hear, "Mommy! Ga is froggy!!!"
Ah HA! So, my child deduced from the rest of the prayer that whomever this "Ga" person was, he was both great and good, and, of course, it must be froggy.
So, I may not be proud that Carly worships her frog every time she says grace at preschool, but I do find it hilarious.
**If you are not my mother or my mother-in-law or father-in-law, you should know that this is actually not true, I was just making conversation.