The kid is hilarious, which I knew upon first meeting her in the hospital. Check out her face in this photo:
I knew I was a candidate to be a stay home mom the first day I left Sully as a puppy and thought entertaining him would be a better use of my time than reading contracts. Hanging out with Carly involves a bit more than entertaining her, but honestly that's a big part of it. Today we danced to several itunes selections, including a few of her favorites ("Sweet Caroline" and anything mentioning the ABC's) and a few of my favorites, some of which I'd be condemned by Parents Magazine for exposing to my toddler. The girl can really throw it down. I also read her a few books, she read me the "Go Irish" book and got most of it right, we chased each other around the house, we kicked around some leaves outside, we went and got "milkshakes" (smoothies) and I got to explain to her why Michigan looks like a mitten (not a glove!) and how Santa will come regardless whether it is snowing outside or not (thanks, Charlie Brown Christmas). We discussed in what order Santa would visit all of her friends and, somewhat related, which of her friends are boys and which are girls (Greg needs to stop chanting "I'm a MAN, I'm a MAN" everytime he does some household job involving the teeniest bit of strength or this gender discussion will never end). In any case, admittedly, my new role entertains me just as much as it demands my David Brent talents.
Many people have asked me whether Carly is ready to be a big sister and whether she understands the idea of a new baby. A few months ago, the answer probably was no. Today, I think the answer is yes. Tomorrow we will find out.