Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday's Update

In the car yesterday, Carly asked me what Teddy and I had been up to while she was at school. I told her that we had gone to the grocery store and picked up some paint chips. She was quiet for a moment, then replied, "Well mommy. I bet those chips do not taste very good."

Over the weekend, after a brief discussion about the map hanging in her room, she asked me in which state the Easter Bunny lives. This is a good age.

Here are the results of the interview I conducted at dinner tonight:

1) What is your favorite room in the house?
A: Dining room.

2) What do you like best about Teddy?
A: I like when he smiles.

3) What do you like the best about Daddy?
A: He takes me to the playground and plays games and Teddy does all kinds of things.

4) What is your favorite holiday?
A: Mom, did you know that toys are better than candy? (Ed: this is an obvious slight to the Easter Bunny, wherever he may live.)

Then she got sick of the interview and told me that she just wanted to talk for a bit in brief declarative sentences:

Jewels fall on the ground sometimes.
Teddy eats daffodils.
Information gives you learning.
Bowling is fun because it is a game.

To borrow a Kelly Corrigan phrase, there is some serious genetic validation going on above.