I had a fantastic birthday. Teddy was sick, we are still unemployed, and we have a new "white picket fence" (not the good kind), but the day was still great. Greg outdid himself with the birthday gifts this year after turning up empty handed last year. I got two bottles of tequila ("one for margaritas, one for sipping"). Hey, this is from a guy who once bought me a box of Duraflame logs for Christmas. Not bad! Carly helped bake the cake, as evidenced by her handprint in the chocolate frosting and a really guilty look on her face when I noticed it. We all thought it was delicious.
So here it goes. Things I've learned this year.
1) Miracles do happen. In a word: Teddy.
2) I should not feel guilty about booking a three week trip to the Rock. It always goes by too quickly.
3) It was a bad idea to show Greg that I can get ready in 14 minutes or less.
4) Even though friends move away, they are always in my thoughts.
5) The 24 hour stomach flu lasts more than 24 hours, even if it's Christmas Eve.
6) If you build it, they will come. People cannot resist our sweet guest quarters (a pullout couch). Visitors this past 12 mos have included: Nana, Grammy & Papa, Michelle & Dan & Jack, Julie & Katie, Duffy & Katie, Scott, Bridget & Kevin & Colin, Ten Frame, and BI & Melissa. (Keep 'em coming!)
7) Enrolling Carly in preschool at age two was brilliant.
8) You should always check to make sure the new eyebrow pencil you are about to use is not dark blue.
9) Because I renewed my 5 year-old driver's license online, I will not need to get a new driver's license photo for 8 years. I will look 30 until I'm 43. Better than Creme de la Mer!
10) Happiness comes from within.