So, we are now home from a fantastic trip to Cape Cod Bay (not Cape Cod, but its bay, which I know because there was a map, conveniently located next to my bed and I had the opportunity to study it in depth while sick one day). Carly and Sully got to play with their cousins Jack & Colin, as well as thoroughly exhaust themselves on the beach. Grammy & Papa spoiled Carly with two early birthday celebrations, solidifying her love of the concept (was there really any other option?). Greg and I had a great time and one of us didn't even touch a beer all week (hint, it was not Greg).
Aside from the illness, we had one major hiccup on this trip. We left Carly's beloved froggy behind. To be totally accurate, Carly left her own froggy behind, after taking him down into the basement and forgetting to bring him upstairs, but let me just take the high road and accept the blame. Greg and I realized this error about 2 minutes before Carly did and about 60 minutes into our 9 hour drive. A quick call to Grammy & Papa confirmed our biggest nightmare and, despite their heroic efforts to get froggy to the local fedex office in record time, we knew it would be 2 days before he arrived home. Alas, our girl did fairly well with the idea that froggy wanted to take an airplane home instead of riding in the car (who wouldn't?) and she made due with froggy's brother. (I'll insert here that Greg is concerned about dubbing the second - and third and fourth- frogs "froggy's brothers" because he fears that she will forever associate brothers with inferior beings...too late!). Every single time she saw an airplane fly overhead on that Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning, Carly pointed to it and said "froggy's on airplane...soon Carly's house". Thanks for keeping him safe Grammy & Papa!!