Like millions of other Americans, we are heading out of town today for Thanksgiving. This morning, CQ and I dropped off Sully amidst some huge (HUGE!) crocodile tears and a coinciding guilty indulgence of 3 playtime sessions (that's right Greg, they are $8 a pop). Now we just await the glorious fun of holiday travel.
While I was chatting with my mom the other day, she reminded me that our holiday tradition is to say what we are thankful for before eating dinner (I do this every day, mom, before I sit down with my peanut butter toast). Thinking back, I'm pretty sure she is right. We can probably even prove it with the horrendous Thanksgiving meal that Dad videotaped, but I trust her that we've been doing it since the beginning. Unfortunately, I won't be celebrating with mom this year, so I thought I'd give it a shot so she knows I'm keeping the tradition alive.
Here we go............(one for each of my years)..I'm thankful for:
33) the ability to upload photos on my blog, after several hours chatting with the Mac "geniuses" (?)
32) the Rock
31) Carly's frog
30) that next year, I'll be thankful for my new niece (fingers crossed)
29) my new screened porch
28) all my friends with little kids who get me through the crazy times
27) crazy times
26) calm times
25) knowing that when we return this weekend, Sully's nemesis (another golden visiting the folks who live behind us) will have returned home
24) my blackberry (at least I didn't say tivo)
23) Mom
22) Scott
21) Grandma Rita
20) Julie, Judd, Nick, Charlie, & Joey
19) Grace & Werner
18) Dan, Michelle & Jack
17) Bridget, Kevin & Colin
16) having the ability & means to travel to see all of the above
15) their ability to come see us (Feb is booked, but we are open NYE & MLK Jr. weekend....anyone?)
14) having a great time celebrating both Werner's 60th and mom's 60th this year along with all their great friends and family
13) All the 2007 babes: Sienna, my nephew Jack, Owen, cousin Michael, Aidan, Bella's little brother Jack, my nephew Colin, & cousin Joseph...holy Toledo!
12) the February ski trip weekend & not feeling stupid arriving with a car packed with pretty much everything Carly owned
11) "The Office"
10) Friday happy hours
9) the Pit playground
8) my massive new cutting board, which has turned 2 of my 3 feet of counter space into a dream kitchen
7) living in the USA, despite its many flaws
6) my 11 morning donut runs with Nick this summer
5) winning the ipod contest at Irwin's wedding
4) our beautiful fall
3) Sully, even though he has recently developed a bold new love for the green chair
2) Greg, and
1) Carly Quinn!!!!
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