Does someone you know fantasize? My husband does and his season kicked off last night with a ridiculous auction or draft or whatever that lasted over 3 hours. Greg was on a conference call with the rest of his league of, excuse me guys but, dorks and demanded complete silence within the house and absolutely no interruptions. Carly was lucky to get a "goodnight" from him as he studied his 6 pt font spreadsheets of names and stats as if he was reading his Mazdarati manual. In any case, like the dutiful wife that I am, I complied and tried to shut out the periodic laughter and accusations of cheating that emanated from the back room. Normally, I would have poured myself a huge glass of wine and called up my sister in law, Michelle, to make fun of the scene, but alas, no vino for me right now. Instead, I kept my distance and surfed for some crappy pre-season (that's right, I get the lingo) tv show to watch.
Lucky for me, the new 90210 was making it's debut during the fantasy draft, in what appeared to be a two hour gift from God on this particular night. And, folks, I will admit here that I actually was eager to tune in. (First, I need to concede that I shouldn't be admitting to this on my blog, especially after Levi Johnston's unfortunate self description on myspace. You really never know when you are going to be the center of a political scandal, though, do you?) I'm not sure what I really expected because, as Greg later pointed out, I didn't even watch the first 90210 and this version is on a network neither of us have ever heard of, but guys this show is really, really bad. It is laughable, it's so bad. Last night's pilot episode managed to steal a plot from Pretty Woman, badly imitate Sweet Sixteen, and pathetically pluck the Lucille Bluth character from Arrested Development (God I miss that show, when is the movie coming out anyway?) It was so bad that I actually think watching Fred Thompson speak at the republican convention may have been a better choice.
On an unrelated note, did you happen to catch this last week?
2 months ago
I did pour myself a huge glass of wine and then (gasp) watched the RNC instead of 90210... of course while facebooking....We should have collaborated better. It was a saaaad evening at 373.